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Welcome to the virtual anniversary exhibition on the occasion of the Society’s 75th anniversary, which follows the great physical exhibitions.
The latest were:
- 50th anniversary exhibition at Tøjhusmuseet in 1994.
- War and Love at Anneberg in 1997.
- Glimpse from the war on Zealand 1807 at Frederiksberg Castle and in Danske Bank, the headquarters in 2007.
- The Spaniards in Denmark for 200 years in 2008. Exhibition at Holbæk Museum, the Museum at Koldinghus, Langelands Museum and Roskilde Museum.
- Battle of Anholt in 1811 in 2011 at Anholt.
- The Danish Army in 1813. Auxiliærkorpset and the alliance with France at Rødovre Library in 2013..
The exhibition shows examples of work with uniform and history plans, model production and painting. Furthermore, presentation and use in war games and activities in the field of history communication. Everything from the interest of recreating historical periods or episodes.
Many members have made a great effort within the three selected subject areas. The exhibition shows the Society’s work, and we hope that it will pave the way for increased interest in military history.
Hans Chr. Wolter
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